Individual Service Plans (ISPs) For Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Individual with caregiver (DSP)

The Individualized Service Plan (ISP) outlines specific services and supports necessary for an individual with developmental disabilities. This plan is required in order for that person to remain healthy and safe during daily life.

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) has made statewide changes in the structure of ISP plans. Ohio has created a statewide service plan known as the Ohio Individual Service Plan (OhioISP).

Standardized Format Across Ohio:

Before the creation of the OhioISP, there was considerable variability in ISPs across the state. Many people agreed that a single template or universal form was needed in order to standardize the process and deliver more consistent HCBS waiver services. A standardized ISP process would create more clarity and be easier to replicate in any county across the state

Most of the process of updating the ISP process began with the Ohio DODD developing an Ohio individual service plan (OISP) workgroup. The group's main objective was to create a common, statewide ISP and assessment template.

The statewide OhioISP format will make it easier for people to move to different parts of Ohio, but still have the same ISP, planning process and providers. The individuality of an ISP's content is maintained for each person, regardless of where they live in the state. This standardized single assessment and plan is used with all people who receive developmental disability services.

The new Ohio ISP means that an individual's plan moves with them. So new Service and Support Administrators (SSAs) and Qualified Intellectual Disability Professionals (QIDPs) will now continue to use the already established individual service plan (OhioISP). There is now less of a need to create a new ISP.

The OHIO ISP allows direct support professionals (DSPs) to know exactly where to find the information they need. This information allows DSPs to deliver focused service and support to people with developmental disabilities./p>

Origin of Individual Service Plans:

The term and concept of an Individual Service Plan is from Psychology. According to the American Psychological Association, an individual service plan is the main design or blueprint of services and supports for a person with a developmental disability. The specific details of these plans vary from state to state, but they are created by direct care staff, healthcare professionals and the person receiving the services. Additional input is also contributed from concerned parties such as advocates and family members.

A well-constructed ISP includes relevant, comprehensive assessment findings, as well as desired and preferred outcomes. Well-organized ISPs also identify the full range of services and supports to be provided in order to achieve these outcomes. Individual service plans are person-centered and focus on the needs of the individual receiving the services.

A good individual service plan, sometimes called an individual support plan, clearly states what things are the most important for an individual with developmental and intellectual disabilities. This helps everyone who is involved in developing the plan to clearly understand what is important. Some key elements that create high-quality individual service plans are:

  • Displays the individual's unique abilities.
  • Has realistic, specific and measurable goals.
  • Clearly displays the individual's preferences and personal choices.

Modern ISPs must provide for the detailed tracking of specific goals, objectives and individual skills. At the same time, ISPs should also include data collection, goal tracking and report generation. In addition, these modern plans should be secure and HIPAA compliant.

The requirement for an electronic visit verification (EVV) system has forced independent and agency waiver providers to change how they track and bill their services. In addition, agencies will also need to monitor that their direct care staff are following the most up-to-date version of an individual's ISP.

County Boards and Service Coordinators:

In Ohio, county boards identify and assist residents in their counties who need supported living services. Ohio legal code states that during this process, county boards will also help individuals develop an individual service plan.

When developing the ISP, the individuals are allowed to choose a residence that is appropriate according to local standards, the individual's wishes and roommates or housemates (if any). An ISP also lists the services needed in order to live in an individual's residence of choice. In a similar fashion, plans will mention the service providers from which the services will be received. The choices available to an individual shall be based on available resources.

An individual service plan for supported living is effective for a defined period of time which is agreed to by the county board and the individual. In determining this time period, the county board and the individual shall consider the nature of the services to be provided and the manner in which they are customarily provided.

A crucial and necessary part of this process is the individual's service coordinator. If individuals, or their guardians, who are eligible for services wish to choose a waiver provider, they should inform their assigned service coordinator.

A service coordinator will then schedule an individual service plan meeting in order to plan specific waiver services. During this process, they will complete an ISP/Payment Authorization for Waiver Services (PAWS) and set a start date for services to start.

About RevUp Billing

RevUp Billing is an Ohio-based company that provides EVV, billing and scheduling solutions for agencies that provide supportive services for individuals with developmental disabilities. They are an alternative EVV vendor in both the states of Ohio and California.

RevUp Billing provides professional billing services for healthcare professionals. Our eWebSchedule software solution is a package of tools specifically designed for the unique administrative needs of Ohio Waiver Provider Agencies that deliver support for individuals with developmental disabilities.

We deliver a variety of solutions for healthcare professionals, including account management & billing services for waiver provider agencies.

If you have additional questions about billing practices or software tools for Ohio provider agencies - contact us.

RevUp Billing provides trusted and experienced billing services for healthcare practitioners. Like, subscribe and follow RevUp Billing on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Twitter.

Updated from original article published on May 21, 2021

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